Self Happiness and Parenting

  • Self happiness and Parenting

Looking for some tips on self happiness without disturbing your life as a parent. Everyone has an unalienable right to live a happy life.

Happiness is the feeling that comes from within when you feel satisfied with the life you are living.

Self happiness is important in everyone’s life and if you are a parent then its much more important as it puts direct impact on your kids life. “Happy mom raises a happy child.” Hence your own happiness should be your first priority, only then you will be able to make everyone happy & do everything perfectly. So, are you focusing enough on your own happiness? Do you take out time for yourself from your busy schedule? If yes, then you are doing perfect and if not then you should think about it.

Ask yourself few questions like:-

What do you do for your self happiness? How do you make yourself happy or do something that makes you happy?

I asked this question to a few of happy moms to know about how they are dealing with this important aspect of life or do they ever care or think about it?

Here I am sharing what steps they are taking to keep themselves happy and motivated..

Currently exercise which makes me feel happy if I do. And sometimes staying alone peacefully.. No disturbance.

Well Done! Exercising makes you fit inside out and keeps you energetic throughout the day. Having “me time” alone will also be helpful. So, yes.. beautiful mommy, you are doing it really good for yourself.

I have tried many things like meditation, self help books, etc but the only thing worked in my case is talking to people. I feel relaxed and satisfied when I discuss things with my loved ones.

Meditation and self help books work for few but not for all. Trying and looking out for perfect solutions is really appreciable. Talking to people is no doubt a great way to relax your mind.

Happiness to me is ignoring bad things and just being surrounded by positive people. I always look towards the positive side of everything even when something bad is happening and I also think that it won’t last forever and that makes me happy.

Now this is what we call a positive attitude. She stays positive in every situation and that makes her happy.

So these were the positive mom’s living their life happily. But it’s not always easy for everyone to achieve this happiness or manage their daily life routine to focus on their own happiness. I am very much surprised that people live their entire life just focusing on others happiness and when asked about their own happiness, they don’t even realize what makes them happy as they haven’t thought about it yet. Moms should be the role model for their kids. How you are living your life will inspire your kids. So, by not giving importance to your own self, you are setting a wrong example for them to follow in future. They will also end up making the same mistake and spend their entire life unhappily. Therefore this is a perfect time to think about what makes your inner soul happy.

When it comes to parenting, you must have a good mental health, inner peace and happy soul to tolerate all the tantrums of a child. As we all know that every child is different so definitely there will be different tricks to handle them. So whatever you are doing as a parent to raise your child, you are doing absolutely great. Happy parents never hold grudges, be happy and celebrate every little achievement of your parenting.

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